Transformational Social Policies

Constitutional guarantees for execution of constitutionally mandated and socially transforming long-term policies whose duration may exceed one or more political terms and must therefore be guided by oversight committees (e.g. EPOC) (See Oversight Committees – General Articlesare necessary.

Proposed policies include:

Primary Commerce Zones (ZoComs) (See Zones of Commerce – General Articles)
Targeted development of regions of Jamaica with planned infrastructure, housing (full communities), healthcare and educational institutions, and commercial development based upon best use of available land, topography and current commercial activity, with tax and investment incentives provided.
1. St. Catherine & Clarendon – Colon Bay, Goat Islands, Moore’s Pen, Salt River,
    Port Esquivel and all that land surrounding: The Bay – Ship repair, logistics
    (in-transit, storage), technology industries – Logistics, Industry &
2. Port Royal, Kingston Harbor, Kingston and Portmore – Government, Colleges and
    Universities (“University Town”), Industry, Tourism, Yachting
3. Plains of St. Catherine, St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, Hanover – Agriculture
4. Southern to Western Hanover -Petersfield to Orange Bay – Tourism and
5. The North Coast Corridor – Montego Bay to Port Antonio – Hospitality, Tourism
6. The Cockpit Country – Eco-Tourism
7. Blue Mountain Range – Agriculture (Coffee), Eco-Tourism
8. Portland, St. Thomas – Large-scale international retirement facilities – Health, Retirement, Hospitality

All other forms of commercial activity will find their niche within each ZoCom as applicable.

Diaspora (See Diaspora – General Articles)
Building & Construction Development Bond (Housing, Tourism, Retirement/Long term care facilities) – Matures in 20 years, exercisable option to finance a home after Year 15.

Data Bank of all Jamaican diaspora – up-to-date contact info, qualifications, skills certifications, professional certifications, attitude to a period of fully compensated service locally.

Eligible to vote electronically for Presidential elections/candidates only, not local elections/candidates.

Education (See Education – General Articles)
Development of a national Early Childhood Education program and institutions, private and public, starting at age 2 years (toddler) – the period of speech and language development.

Optimal density of educational institutions (primary, secondary, skills training, tertiary) to satisfy the new constitutional mandates outlined in the New Constitution of Jamaica, with detailed plan and implementation schedule.

Applicable skills training institutions in ZoComs for optimization of commercial activity.

Endowment Funds for educational institutions, supported by business interests.

Health (See Health – General Articles)
Laws/regulations governing community health centres as public/private enterprises, and to satisfy new constitutional mandates outlined in the New Constitution of Jamaica.

Development of a new tier within the health system – a market-based (pre-payment/instalment, health assurance/health maintenance) healthcare delivery system geared towards combating the common non-communicable diseases which are the main causes of illness and premature death in Jamaica.

Establish systems of healthcare delivery for greater efficiencies:
– Indigent care health system;
– Emergency and catastrophic care health system;
– Long term and convalescent care health system – convalescent homes, nursing
   homes, mental institutions etc.

Health education in primary and secondary schools geared to achieving optimal dietary and lifestyle choices in the prevention and early treatment of non-communicable diseases.

Community Organizations (See Local Government Authority – The Government)
New laws/regulations establishing incorporated villages and community organizations.

Establish formal villages within ZoComs – Incorporated Villages, Stratas

Agriculture (See Agriculture – General Articles)
Establish two main categories of agricultural products within agricultural ZoComs, products to ensure local food security (rice) and selected crops/products for export markets.  

Recommended New Jamaican Constitution

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