How does Recommended New Constitution of Jamaica make the following changes….

                 …reduce corruption by government officials?

                 …ensure accountability of government officials?

                 …ensure that every Jamaican receives the inputs necessary for optimal development?

                 …ensure that resources are allocated fairly to all segments of the society?

                 …strengthen democracy?

                …reduce the enormous controlling power of the Head of Government (Prime Minister or President)?

                …ensure that major development policies are not derailed by change of administrations?

                …ensure participation by all members of society in policy development?

…reduce corruption by government officials?

    • Remove administrative functions of Government from direct control of politicians by                                                                                           i) establishing an Administrative Branch of Government which will comprise: Constitutional Bodies, Ministries of Government, Statutory Bodies and the Local Administrative and Governance Authority.

                         ii) removing politicians from the Executive except the President, Vice-President and Chairpersons plus one member of Parliamentary Oversight Committees.

    • End politicians’ direct control of and access to Government financial resources by establishing a Financial Branch of Government with responsibility for the repository and disbursements of all finances authorized by the Parliament.

……ensure accountability of government officials?

    • Establish constitutionally-mandated Parliamentary Oversight Committees for each cabinet post or ministry, Statutory Body, Local Government Authority and Financial Authority.

    • Firmly anchor the Integrity Commission and Auditor General as Constitutional Bodies with authority over all the people of Jamaica including Government officials.

…….ensure that every Jamaican receives the inputs necessary for optimal development?

……..ensure that resources are allocated fairly to all segments of the society?

……….strengthen democracy?

    • Citizens elect a Community Council Executive every 4 years, which, with 3 adjacent Community Councils, form an Area Council. Citizens of an Area Council elect a Councillor (Parish Councillor) every 4 years.  Presidents of Area Councils and Parish Councillors of each parish form a Parish Council together with Area Council representatives of the Parish Administrative Authority.

    • The ability to recall elected officials

………reduce the enormous controlling power of the Head of Government (Prime Minister or President)?

    • No longer has unilateral control of the country’s financial resources through his/her Minister of Finance

……. ensure that major development policies are not derailed by change of administrations?

    • The establishment of constitutional oversight committees for designated long-term developmental policies

…… ensure participation by all members of society in local and national policy-making?

    • Establishment of Local Government Authorities consisting of constitutionally-mandated, structured communities with community-based organizations, community institutions, community members and other stakeholders forming Community Councils with an elected Executive, which together with other Community Executives form Area Councils that send representatives from the Area Council Executive Bodies, as well as a directly elected representative of citizens within each Area Council, to Parish Councils, which make local laws ratified by the Parliament.,

Recommended New Jamaican Constitution

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